Post Launch Analytics And Possible Update


Just writing a quick note to thank everyone for playing as I've gotten quite a bit more plays than I originally expected to! It's been a really positive experience for me and I'm thankful to everyone that took a few minutes of their time to play. I'm glad that people enjoyed it!

I built this project as part of LowResJam 2023 over a period of two weeks! 

Below I've attached a screen shot of my analytics as of 9-6-2023:

I know that these numbers aren't crazy and I'm certainly not making any money off of this, but I'm still really grateful that a game I made by myself in two weeks saw so much play! I'm currently ranking only a few rows down in the web/free category on which was a really cool thing to see! A few people have made videos featuring my game in compilations for the jam, and I even saw a couple of speedruns! I made a TikTok last night as I was excited about my ranking, and saw 1000 views from that quite quickly, which may have contributed to the upturn in plays today!

This has got me feeling like I might do an update to the game! I would like to explore increasing the resolution and building out a new set of content with that in mind. I should be able to get roughly 8x more tiles on screen without things  being too small now that I don't have the resolution of the jam to worry about. This way I can build out a few more interesting room layouts and maybe come up with some new interactables/hazards. I'll also be making another pass on the character controls and physics to try to get them feeling better. Will write more on this soon!

Here's a preview of the larger resolution:

Thanks for playing!

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